The seller is so talented, love the quality and material of this blanket! I have one for my son. Seller is quick to respond and easy to communicate with. Purchased was received on time. Very happy with item!
I ordered the beanies for my baby girl and myself this fall. When it got them I’m pleasantly surprised as they are so soft, comfy (my daughter has eczema prone skin so I’m always very careful about the material) and stylish. It looks more daily than it appears. The washing is also easy. They can be washed in a laundry bag in the washing machine and laid flat to dry. I ordered another red heart beanie right away after I received the pumpkin one. Strongly recommended!
Bought this for my best friends baby shower and she loved it, she said it was so soft that she wanted to keep for herself! She even said her dog thought it was for him since it was the softest blanket.
My daughter is completely inlove with her heart hat. She wears it everywhere. She said she loves the way it feels and fits on her head. "It's like a warm hug on my head" she would say. Mind you she is only 6 years old. Haha. She has convinced me to get a hat for myself so we could match. The way the hat is stitched is extremely durable. The added detail of the hearts is what caught our eyes. It's easy to clean, we just throw it in with a load of laundry and taa daa it comes out good as new! I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND this for anyone trying to stay warm in these crazy Canadian winters. ❄💜
These scrunchies are incredibly soft and fluffy! They come in so many different colours. My daughter is completely obsessed with them. It holds all her hair so well and doesn't make her head hurt after hours of having it tied up. Definitely would recommend these for anyone that lives with their hair in a ponytail or bun!
I ordered these signature cabin winter hats for the winter weather that is fast approaching. I received them within a week and absolutely LOVED them. They are so soft and warm. It fit perfectly and are extremely comfortable. I love that the hats are also machine washable which makes life easier. Definitely would recommend these awesome hats to anyone trying to keep warm throughout the winter months!
This hat is by far my daughters favourite. Looks beautiful and holds well, between rolling in the snow, shoving it in the sleeves of her jacket and the several washes - it has held it’s shape! Highly recommend 💜💜
Saw these unique soft coasters and had to get them! They have been the perfect landing pad for my morning joe! Works with the hottest mug, and the coldest win/win.
I received this blanket for my baby shower, and the quality is amazing! My son uses it quiet often (10m old now) and it’s held it shape and it’s softness. I would definitely recommend!!